Xygan on the Winner 2017

Monday, 25 December 2017

Every year is in Amsterdam the Winner show, this is one of Hollands biggest dogshows for FCI pedigree dogs.
Only dogs with a FCI pedigree can take part on this show. This year however “"Houden van Honden" – discussion”; a discussion for dogs with any pedigree/without pedigree, lookalikes and (irreducible) crossings.

Since I was there anyway I decided to take part on this with Xygan. I found it a nice interesting discussion which was explained simple language where they were watching for and why. It is no exterior examination where they normally watch forbreed typical characteristics, because there is no breed standard . It is a general story about the overall condition of the dog. In brief, Xygan received the following assessment:

– Nice compact social male dog
– Beautiful movement
– Well-muscled
– Not much fat
– Good nutritional state
– Nice expression
– Typical shepherd's head
– Complete set of teeth
– Nice compact closed feet
– Nails are optimal
– Very nice coat with a lot of shine

In Xygans case they explained that the movement, the well-muscled state and the position of the feet where very important for this type of dog because of the shepherd's purpose.