Nowadays there is a discussion about what’s better and/or healthier for a dog. The choice is enormous. Kibble of every quality an in every price range, for every type of dog there is a different kind of dog food, Active or calm, small or big, special breed foods etc, Canned food, BARF or NRV* ((whole pieces of meat and/or complete parts of an animal)) And then there is something on the rise, KVV: Ready to eat meat. My opinion is, dogs originate from wolves and are there for carnivorous (meat eaters) ., So I think fresh meat is the best, for my dogs anyway. The digestive system of a wolf is almost identical to that of a dog. The only difference is, the intestine of a dog is 5 cm longer compared to that of a wolf.
The digestive system of a wolf is set on processing raw material. At the beginning of the digestive tract – and or to the shape of the teeth in the mouth – can clearly see that he is a meat eater. The big canines of a wolf are sharp and pointy. Perfect for piercing, cutting and holding of prey. The sharp molars are made to rip tendons. break small bones and pick meat off of bigger bones. The massive back molars are used for the breaking and shattering of bigger bones. A wolf doesn’t chew. There are no digestive enzymes in his saliva – or in that of a dog.. The saliva of the wolf serves as a lubricant. He rips big pieces of meat with skin and hair and swallows it whole. The wolf doesn’t need a complicated stomach, His diet consists exclusively of very concentrated en easy to digest fats and proteins. Because he can’t always eat when he wants to his stomach contents needs to be bigger. He needs to find, hunt, ,, , catch and kill his prey before he can eat. After the kill there is an abundance of food, He has to eat as much, as quickly as he can or he will lose his prey to other hunters or scavengers (like coyotes,, Foxes, or raven). When a wolf eats pure meat with little or no indigestible material , his stool will be dark and soft. You will seldom see a piece of bone sticking out. Often only the outside is poo an the bones are on the inside wrapped in hair - and pelt remains. That way the intestines won’t get pierced. Often there is only hair on the outside of wolves poo while the bones are inside. According to Whitney (1949) the stomach of a dog can contain about 4 kg of food. There are nu figures known for wolves but it’s stomach capacity is as big if not bigger.
The canines of a dog are highly developed. They have outgrown to big, deep and sturdy in the jaw imbedded points. So prey can easily and swiftly be held. He can also rip big pieces of meat off of killed prey. The moles have sharp edges , that don’t fit together. They slide against each other like scissors, The food is being cut to pieces. Through out time the dog has had real predator teeth. The dentals prove that the main ingredient of his meal should be meat and he is, like a wolf, a real meat eater. The dog adapted itself to the menu of mankind (omnivorous), but his digestive system stayed carnivorous.. The digestion in a carnivore stomach is easier and quicker appose to every other animal. Meat isn’t being chewed but almost instantly swallowed. The holding capacity of a dog stomach – is about 650 CC for big dogs, an can be up to 11.000 CC for big dogs – The stomach is twice the size of its intestines, Small dogs intestines are approximately 3 meters long and for big dogs this can be about 7 meters. Dogs have no intestinal flora. This for a part explains why dogs, or carnivores in general, can only moderately eat plants as food. Ellenberg and Scheunert researched how long it took before meat was digested. In 2 to 4 hours approximately 1/3 of the meat was digested in the stomach. After 6 hours 1/4, was left in the stomach. After 9 hours 1/10 deel in de maag en na 12 hours was found to be virtually all the meat in the intestines passed in which the further digestion took place, which again 12 pm so that it lasted about in the total 24 hours it took for the most part through the digestive system was processed. Movement inhibits the digestion, while resting helps digestion. Therefore working dogs are better fed after work!
After this so by having taken my conclusion is that dogs are carnivores, Carnivores. But nowadays dogs always get lumps, Why actually? Because it's better? Because it is easy? Because it is commercially attractive to manufacturers? I am in favor of conducting fresh meat, either composed, either in ready-made form (I mostly give), available at a very reasonable price in supermarkets and at various suppliers. At the bottom of this page you will find some links of CDV manufacturers and places on the Internet where you can find more information about the conduct of fresh meat.
I feed myself Lotgering, Dogmeat (formerly Degomeat) in Kiwi, These are CDV's. A complete feed which, as it can be so ondooit is given to the dog.
Lotgering thawed
Lotgering frozen
A diet that provides turnkey fresh meat, also called CDV and several brands available, contains various things. In the ideal situation exists for dog food 70-75% from products of animal origin, such as bones (or may not be milled), muscle meat, orgaanvlees, what vegetables, cereals, oils and fats.
Towards vlees, self composed or CDV, shall in any case always:
– good bacteria and enzymes, who ensure a healthy intestinal flora
– natural vitamins and minerals
Fresh meat and contains KVV NO:
– anti-oxidants and preservatives, for fresh meat and CDV will contain frozen preserved and therefore do not need additional resources.
– no odor, color- and flavoring agents.
– no binding- fillers and.
Because fresh meat a dog will no unnecessary (or even harmful) ingest substances. The consequences are:
– healthier skin and coat.
– no unnecessary pollution of bodies.
– cleaner, healthier teeth.
– fewer stools (because it does not require ballast materials to be separated) and thereby also defecation that smells less strong.
– firmer stools
– faster housebreak, in that there is less and less stool water absorption
– evenly grow.
– rarely or never had problems with the anal glands because the stool is sturdy.
– rarely or never had problems with the bladder and kidneys, in that the balance in the body is better.
– fresh meat gives seldom acceptance problems, either fussy eaters. Almost all dogs love fresh just yummy. Of course, some dogs have certain preferences or find them just unappetizing, but generally find dog meat tasty.
And what's more fun than seeing a dog enjoying his food?
Watch out: canned food is NOT good meat diet!
Canned food exists 80% from water and contains mainly a very small part (waste)meat and odor, color- and flavoring agents!
An average of 4% meat. Sometimes less, If you have more luck, sometimes to such 20%. What kind of meat is in? Not what we would eat meat, In most cases, waste. Parts of the animal that we do not wish to. There are countries where chunks produced woden with meat declared unfit for human consumption. Do we know what's in the meat chunks? No, we do not know.
Furthermore, there is grain in chunks, dogs can use corn as a food but in very small quantities: the stomach contents of their prey. The quantities are in chunks are considerably larger. Since dogs can not take much. Cereals in the amounts as they are cause lumps often symptoms in dogs: skin complaints, intestinal problems, stomach problems and skin problems. In lumps are further fillers. The only purpose of this is to ensure that a chunk of raw materials can be pressed. Ballast Dust and not so healthy for a dog.
Finally, anti-oxidants are there in chunks, flavor- and aromatic substances and vitamins. Anti-oxidants in order to ensure that the fats in the chunk is not to be rancid. In many cases the chemical antioxidants which are generally prohibited for human consumption zijn.Geur- and flavors are in particular to ensure that the dog eats the chunk. Even though it is not tasty, flavor which is then removed with flavors. Healthy such substances are not, ze belasten de lever en de nieren.
Vitamins seem positive, but only adds to pieces because natural vitamins are cooked to death; without addition there would be no vitamins in the feed are. And vitamins are needed, otherwise an animal is dead.
There are pieces that are very bad, there are pieces that do not chemischen additions and so not so bad. But it remains dead cooked foods with artificial nutrients added. A chunk is easy food for example holidays, and partly chunk conduct is also possible for those who want. Choose your purpose then make sure that the raw materials as much as possible from appropriate sources, and ensure that there are no chemical preservatives or fragrances, color- and flavoring agents sit in. Who wants to see a comparative table with the compositions of numerous chunks brands, clearly indicating the composition can in this page and in this page look.
BARF is an acronym for “Bones And Raw Food”.
Use is made of suitable raw bones, muscle meat, orgaanvlees, pureed vegetables and supplements such as raw eggs and dairy. Dogs are typically lined with approximately 40% a 60% vleesbotten, comprising at least 50% meat and 50% contain bone. Bare bones are not made. Dogs that just switching to BARF, often start with soft bones of small animals like chicken, duck, quail, pheasant, rabbit and guinea fowl. Dogs that have more experience, also eat the bones of larger animals such as goat, Attractions, kalf en ree. However, only the bones that have been non-bearing, This means that one carries out, for example, ribs, but no legs. This meat bones are also often supplemented by 15% to 20% organ meats such as heart, lever, kidneys, tripe and brains, 10% a 15% vegetable mix, 15% meat and 5% healthy table scraps and extras such as raw eggs and dairy.
When nutrition is always important to keep watch on the dog:
He is lean? Is he too fat? His ribs still keenly felt and are even visible? Or there is no rib to be seen? Preferably, the ribs are good to very good perceptible, but not visible. Compare it with the knuckles of your hand: as you can feel on top of your hand, so the dog's ribs should be palpable.
There are of course to orient you on guidelines. For both BARF as CDV these quantities can be observed:
– Puppies and young dogs: 50-70 gram per kilogram of body weight per day.
– Adult dogs: 20 gram per kilogram of body weight per day.
Xavi enjoying a penslap
Who is going to give a completely fresh feed (CDV), There's nothing to watch: everything is in it. But many people find it to give over time still fun even know what good things the dog can chew on.
One basic rule is important: never give cooked meat! (The only thing that I could possibly opt for cooked meat with diarrhea, then cooked chicken can be given because it is easy to digest.)
If you cook meat, you cook the nutrients out, and in addition, the bone may be that there is optionally present, go splinter. That can not be the bone is raw. Many people find it a bit creepy to give a raw bone. Yet it can, if wisely used, be done.
It's good thing you read or ask for advice. Reading can also of course. There are many books on the phenomenon of fresh food and also barfplaats (see link list) a lot of information.
In any case, dogs should no pork! This in connection with the Aujeszky's disease, these can be transferred by uncooked pork and may have a fatal outcome. Also load-bearing bones are dangerous, because this dog teeth can break: it's too hard. Bearing bones are bones, paws of animals so. (Barfers, NRV-employed and small consumers sausages) (consumers and breeders) – NL for sale through (Runner) (Smuldier)
A handy list where compositions are several CDV's mentioned can be found here.
More information about the meals of fresh food can be found at:
And another good site with information on both pieces when fresh food is:
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