
Saturday, 21 October 2017

What is Titering?

By taking a drop of blood from the dog can be through the
VacciCheck antibody test be determined if there are still enough
(.) antibodies in the blood. This allows you to check if
you have to vaccinate so that the dog does not have to be taxed
by unnecessary vaccinations..

Which antibodies are titered?
With VacciCheck, the antibodies are measured in the dog of the 3 3 3 vaccines which
are in the cocktailvaccination, , knowing:
Dog disease (Canine Distemper Virus or CDV),
Infectious Hepatitis (Canine Adeno-2 Virus or CAV-2; also against CAV-1),
silly (Canine Parvo-2 Virus or CPV-2).

Why aren't we titering on Rabiës?
Because this is a legal one, irrespective of the outcome (is a completely different test) ) compulsory vaccination
and can not be exempted by means of a test to be
made.. You will therefore . to have a valid Rabiës vaccination
As soon as the dog goes abroad..

Why is not there on Leptospirosis ( o.a. Weil's disease) titered?
Because Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection, which no titer determination possible
.. A viral disease which can be. In addition, the Lepto vaccination but a
certain short time working (it is a dead vaccine) making it pointless

How is it takes and how long carried it before the outcome is known?
A drop of blood is taken from the dog and this is done in the VacciCheck.
The test itself takes half an hour, but this depends on the method of
the vet. There are veterinarians for example 'titerdagen' organization and then
they wait until they can do as many tests at once (it Up 12
animals are tested with one VacciCheck) and then it may be that you only have one
you will receive the results a few hours later. If you go with a group, everyone will normally go first
dogs have their blood taken, after which the VacciCheck can be started
and as soon as the results are known, the passports are completed and signed.
If necessary, the dogs will of course be vaccinated. So just ask
to the method in advance.

Is a titer determination officially recognized??
The Board of Directors has recognized the titer determination.

Is a titer determination permitted for boarding houses??
According to the NVWA, titer determinations in dogs and cats may also be used to determine the
vaccination obligation of boarding houses and shelters. When the vet wants to use this,
This therefore seems appropriate for the legal vaccination requirements that are set for companies
kept dogs and cats. The veterinarian must ensure that there is good substantiation
clearly indicate when vaccinations are given. titer determination must be repeated.

Is a titer determination also valid abroad??
When a dog goes abroad it is in any case a valid one
Rabies vaccination is mandatory. For the obligations, see the various above
designated sites (e.g. LICG) and the embassy of the country in question. Better
too informed and well prepared than encountering problems on the spot
with all its consequences.

What are the costs for titering??
VacciCheck has a limited shelf life. That's why vets won't
regular titering often charges a higher price. However, if there are several
dogs are titered at the same time, most doctors have special ones there
favorable rates for. They then know for sure that they are not dealing with valuables
unused tests remain in place.
You can do this with one VacciCheck 12 animals are tested.
But in any case, remember that there is a very good chance that you will... 1 x titer for years
finished so that cost of it (three-)You then already have annual vaccination in your pocket!
For an individual VacciCheck, prices are between approx. € 50,– in € 70
calculated. For a VacciCheck with multiple dogs you can easily spend around €40.–
out . please note: when in the Netherlands a veterinarian sends the blood to a
laboratory then this happens not with the VacciCheck and the costs are considerable
higher. In Belgium, various laboratories use the
So informing VacciCheck in advance certainly doesn't hurt.

When to start titering?
In principle, puppies can eat 6 be titered for weeks instead of standard vaccination without a check.
For more information about this, I refer you to Facebook group Titering with VacciCheck
Since 1 years and older
So instead of blindly giving the DHP cocktail, you can let the dog go first
titer to see whether the dog needs to be vaccinated. As long as the dog is left
If you have antibodies, vaccination makes no sense at all. It is not that
then the dog would get more antibodies because the vaccine will not strike
and can even capture antibodies. So the vaccination has no utility
but meanwhile, the dog will be injected an unnecessary dose vaccines.
There are veterinarians who use VacciCheck and want to repeat annually. Because
still fine by interpreting how long the animal for an experienced veterinarian
antibodies will be protected, This is a method you hunt unnecessary expense.
The WSAVA which expands the guidelines regarding vaccinations, has indicated
that a positive titeruitslag is no justification for titering annually
Which 3 years after the titer determination can be done again. This is also
supported by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht.

What if there should be vaccinated?
It could in principle be done immediately. A doctor more for the welfare of the
dog looks i.p.v. the content of his / her wallet will always look what
Vaccination is the most appropriate and make the least 'damage' i.p.v. direct
great cocktail is to put. Of course it could also be that this would require so
it is not necessarily bad. Underpinning the why makes things often
much clearer. Incidentally, it is nonsense that a cocktail always WITH
leptospirosis vaccine should be given. please note: it is easy for a
vet this example do the leptospirosis vaccine because the vaccine
can then be used as a solvent for the DHP. A responsible
The vet will advise never to give multiple vaccinations at the same time because:
This is a huge burden for the dog. So this will be the DHP with a separate one
solvent (physiological salt) and advise you to come back later for
possibly a Leptospirosis or Rabies vaccination.

However, it is advisable to first make a well-considered decision yourself
whether Lepto vaccination is necessary. It is not an innocent vaccination.
Personally, I do not vaccinate my dogs for Lepto/Weil. I think the risk of the vaccination
namely greater than the advantages of this graft.
For more information, please take a look at Facebook group “Vaccination Lepto 4 – our experiences.”

When one (through ignorance) does not want to accept a titer determination
The purpose of a vaccination is to ensure that a dog has enough
has protection against certain diseases. By doing a titer determination can therefore
see if the dog is adequately protected by antibodies and therefore no risk
themselves and / or the environment will be. The Board has since the titre
January 2015 acknowledged and the same goes for the NVWA making too Inns
be given the opportunity to accept titre determinations. There is therefore no
reason not to accept titre determinations. A vaccination does not need
Always store and therefore no immunity guarantees by titering you know
at least whether and to what extent your dog is protected. the overarching
DIBEVO union has members joined them (o.a. pensions) also
advised to accept titre determinations.

How to read off the titerstrip?
Hold the strip onto the wide part of the dots down. So shall the
titer to be read. When you strip flipped, you get completely different
The wide portion can hold the strip. Then you see some
Strips are also the sequence as a reminder.

titeruitslag Xygan
1. Upper dot = the reference spot. This has as an indication of the result S3. Which
therefore certainly does not mean that when a spot is lighter than there is insufficient
immunity. Because S1 and S2 is still positive and the dog still has
.. Positive is indeed positive!
2e dot is infectious Hepatitis
3e stip is Parvo (the most important!)
4e and lower dot is Distemper.
As long as antibodies are present, the chances are high that vaccination is not
will strike. Therefore, as a starting point focuses on the value of the
silly. Parvo indeed still exists, Distemper and less infectious
Hepatitis very rare. It is therefore particularly important that the dog is protected
against Parvo so when on 0 of 1 capable vaccination recommended.
The tests work with colors in gray shades. The darker the color circle, how
more antibodies, the dog. So, the dog with very light gray less
antibodies than when the circle against the black Start Up. But very important
is that they have antibodies or not. So positive is positive and a positive titre
do not need to be vaccinated! Now, this seems quite simple but the dark
tan on one strip may have a different value than the same similar
dark color on another strip. Comparison is therefore not applicable as is
apples and pears. The starting point is the control point and can color
Therefore it is important that a doctor is familiar with how such strip must be
read and that is gained by knowledge and experience. The test is also a
color strip next to which can be added to the strip of the titre
a result of which the values ​​are easy to read. Nowadays, even here
specially developed software for use. Always make sure that you strip
and inherits the values ​​listed in the passport, provided with an end date,
signature and stamp of the veterinarian. Then only is valid.

For more information, I refer you to the Facebook group titering VacciCheck with which to read a lot of information and downloading. In addition, there is also a list of all dates titersessies that exist in the Netherlands in addition to a list of participating vets. You can also find information on the NMLhealth website.


Source: Facebook group titering with VacciCheck

This document is prepared for informational where own responsibility and
risk use can be made. Therefore, there is never anyone liable
be on the contents.