Xygan has been X-rayed in Belgium today. He's HD free, ED free and his back is 100% oke! Xavi also has his back X-rayed today (the rest has been done 5 years ago) and also his back is 100% oke!
Xygan has been X-rayed in Belgium today. He's HD free, ED free and his back is 100% oke! Xavi also has his back X-rayed today (the rest has been done 5 years ago) and also his back is 100% oke!
On 6 november 2016. Xygan passed the VZH/BH exam!
On 21 August, we had the Club Championship 2016 our kennel club.
New recent photos have been added to the albums of Xavi and Xygan. Both can be found on the 'males' page’
At almost 15 years of age I had to make the choice to give my first Malinois, my first sporting dog but most of all my best friend her well deserved rest…
The puppies of Xavi and Jules are already 16 weeks old. To this moment each and every one free, social and steady shepherds. Get to know all the puppies
Since 1 rst of august 2015 Xygan has strengthened our pack. Xygan is an son of Xavi of mine and Jules. Jules is a malinois x dutch shepherd mix.
On the 11 of June 2015 Xavi has become father of 9 puppies, 5 males and 4 females.
Mother is Jules, HD free and a mix between a Dutch Shepherd and Belgian Malinois and she is in training for PH1.
Xavi has achieved his IPO III certificate on 23-11-2014! Click here for photos!
Xavi achieved his IPO II certificate 30-03-2014! Click here for photos!
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